The “Step by Step to Successful Endodontics Course” held last November 21, 2020 Namuthajiyah Campus, Riyadh Elm University was successfully ended. The workshop was headed by the Course Director, Dr. Ammar Abu Mustafa and Course Moderator, Dr. Mohammed Abu Hassna.

The workshop was designed to train residents, general dental practitioners and senior dental students on the “practical steps” of endodontic therapy. A full day activity of scientific approach that includes lectures and practical sessions on correct diagnosis for endodontic cases, apex locator for working length determination, and anatomical chemo-mechanical preparation of the canals.

A total of 67 participants joined the course from various universities and companies. Online quiz was given to the attendees to assess the depth of knowledge in the course. While, they enjoyed hands-on training in the phantom lab with special participation of sponsors, Dar Alayam Company and Kerr Dental Company for providing the Endo motors and materials.

Indeed, it was a remarkable workshop of the CE Center enduring from the COVID-19 pandemic. Certificates were distributed and CPD credit hours were submitted to the SCHS at the end of the course.