The “Trends in Endodontics Course” was successfully launched last June 17-18, 2022 under the leadership of Dr. Musaed Al Tammami, Course Director, the 2-days workshop was held at Riyadh Elm University. The new era in Endodontics focused on the new technologies and materials of root canal treatment which at the same time maintaining maximal tooth structure.

Thus, the course consider as the ever-changing advances in endodontic technologies and techniques that give greater treatment options and the opportunity to perform with precision and confidence.

The course general objectives to identify and classification of pulpal and periapical diseases, anatomical and morphological variation of maxillary and mandibular teeth, principles of access cavity preparation, discuss the influence of chemomechanical preparation on the success or root canal therapy, understand biological concepts in canal irrigation and develop techniques for clinical implementation, retreatment techniques and tools, and the 3D obturation with calcium silicate based sealers under Endodontic microscope.

Whereas, the technical objectives to do access opening on plastic teeth model, get acquired with the use “Wave One Gold” files technology, and perform 3D obturation using calcium silicate based sealer under Endodontic microscope.

Indeed, the course perfectly describe its appellation as latest trends which very informative. In fact, all the participants perform the hands-on activity with excitement towards the art of microscope with the depth understanding of endodontics treatment. At the end of the course, certificates were distributed and the sponsored companies were highly recognized for the support and for sharing the sophisticated microscope to make the course a remarkable one.