Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center - Riyadh Elm University

In 2008, the Quality Assurance & Accreditation Center (QAAC) was established at Riyadh Elm University to enhance the performance of the academic and the administrative practices and to achieve a competitive advantage. Since its establishment; REU has focused on disseminating a culture of quality in all its activities. The center has been tasked to support the university’s strategy for the development of an effective and efficient quality assurance system highlighted by quality teaching, research development, curriculum development, and student progression and welfare.

The center is the body that leads the process of implementing the standards of quality in support services, academic programs, and administrative units in accordance with the standards prescribed by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation (NCAAA) in Saudi Arabia. The QAAC is also responsible for providing services and information to all REU’s stakeholders. The information provided assists in policy development, decision making, the enforcement of alternative solutions, and continuous improvement through a variety of operational research projects and analytic activities.


To ensure the application of best practices in REU in accordance with nationally and internationally acceptable quality assurance practices in the field of health education.

To become a preeminent center for academic excellence in quality assurance practices in higher education.
  1. Disseminating and promoting the culture of quality amongst all REU’s staff.
  2. Monitoring and evaluating the performance and quality of administrative and academic units.
  3. Developing and implementing strategies and techniques to improve effectiveness of all REU’s units.
  4. Applying local accreditation and quality assurance standards in the fields of teaching and learning at all academic programs.
  5. Delivering high-quality information and services for decision support, research, data analysis, and strategic planning for institutional effectiveness.
  6. Improving transparency, integrity, and accountability in the quality process among REU’s stakeholders.
  • Advising on institution-wide priorities and strategies for quality improvement;
  • Assisting internal academic and administrative units in the development of quality improvement strategies within their own areas;
  • Establishing and monitoring self-assessment processes and reporting requirements;
  • Providing training for faculty and staff in the institution together with advice and support as required;
  • Developing a procedures manual describing the institution’s structure and processes for quality assurance; specifying criteria for selection and formats for indicators, benchmarks, and objectives; preparing standard forms for matters such as student and graduate surveys; and advising on operational procedures for the planning and implementation of quality processes;
  • Maintaining systematic collections of reports on performance including data on indicators and benchmarks that will be required for analysis and reporting on trends in performance and changes in the environment within which the institution is operating.
  • Coordinating and leading the preparation of periodic self-studies for consideration within the Institution and for use in external reviews.

With the Director at the helm as the authority providing direction, supervision and support, the QAAC has established excellent rapport with the academic and administrative units within the University. Quality assurance systems and procedures have been put in place and these have been coordinated and monitored through the center in tandem with the various units themselves, which meets regularly every first Thursday of the month except during Ramadan and Haj holidays and the summer vacation.

Achievements of the QAAC from its Inception to Date Relative to the following:

  • Obtaining the academic institutional and program accreditation as follows:
    • Institutional accreditation from 2010 to 2017
    • Program accreditation for the Dentistry, Pharmacy, Laboratory Sciences and Oral Health programs from 2010 to 2017.
    • Institutional accreditation from 2017 to 2024
    • Program accreditation for the Dentistry and Pharmacy programs from 2017 to 2024
    • Fulfilling the requirements of the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment to change status from colleges to a University
  • Developing strategic and operational plans for the university and its colleges and preparing the necessary progress reports
  • Preparing annual performance measurement reports for the institution and programs
  • Coordinating with faculties to update and prepare program specifications, courses, and periodic reports
  • Monitoring the performance of non-academic and other organizational units
  • Conducting periodical surveys including collecting and analyzing data and reporting survey results
  • Holding periodic workshops to develop faculty members

The Strategic Planning & Policies Unit supports Riyadh Elm University (REU) strategic planning process through systematizing the long-term and the annual strategic planning cycle.

This unit is associated with the University Strategic Planning Committee. In fulfilling this role, the Unit in cooperation with the Strategic Planning Committee set policies and plans in alignment with the mission and the strategic goals of the university and its college to monitor and follow up the implementation of the action and operational plans.

This Unit coordinates with the QA committees of colleges to ensure implementation of quality practices and NCAAA requirements related to learning and teaching.

It coordinates with concerned departments to ensure adequacy of learning resources for all programs, and monitors the academic assessment process in the programs to ensure fulfillment of the programs learning outcomes.

The unit is responsible to provide comprehensive advice, guidance and development opportunities for all REU staff in order to support the organization in the attainment of its objectives.

The Unit is dedicated to providing professional development training programs and resources for staff that supports identified staffing needs including the enhancement of competencies of academic/administrative staff members in the areas of teaching, assessment, research, curriculum development, use of information and communication technologies, administration and management.

The unit is responsible for the process of collecting, analyzing, reporting, and generating useful information regarding the performance of the institution and its colleges, departments (academic and non-academic), and programs.

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