Institutional Review Board - Riyadh Elm University

Upcoming Events

  • 01 Aug
    Last Day of Withdrawal from the Summer Course
    1 Aug 2024
  • 06 Aug
    Start of the Final Exam
    6 Aug 2024
  • 08 Aug
    Last day of the Final Exam
    8 Aug 2024
  • 18 Aug
    Start of the New Academic Year 2024‐2025
    18 Aug 2024

For All Studies

  • Complete scientific proposal with references signed by the supervisory
  • Timeline for the intended study and back-up plan in case of failure to meet timeline

In addition to the above documents certain documents need to be provided in the case of specific projects.

For Surveys and Studies Involving Examination of Patient

  • Patient/Subject informed consent form (English and Arabic) [only for surveys and studies involving examination of patients]
  • Copy of the questionnaire/data collection sheet
  • For projects involving medical records including Radiographs, Diagnostic Casts and Lab. Reports Letter explaining the source of data and plan for maintaining patient confidentiality
  • For studies using data collected outside Riyadh Colleges (records from other hospitals) approval/permission to use data must be obtained from the relevant institution
  • Copy of the data collection sheetFor Laboratory (in vitro) Studies
  • Source of the lab material must be disclosed (own expense/sample from manufacturer)
  • Details of the lab where the research will be conducted must be provided including a letter of approval from the lab (for Governmental labs) or a copy of the contract (in case of private labs) For clinical studies that involve any intervention (placement of material, drug, procedure or prosthesis) in vivo
  • Such studies are considered beyond the scope of undergraduates as it is unlikely they will be completed in three months. All such studies MUST be registered as faculty research projects

For All Studies

  • Complete scientific proposal with references
  • Timeline for the intended study and back-up plan in case of failure to meet timeline
  • Funding Source and/or application for funds (for funded research only)

In addition to the above documents certain documents need to be provided in the case of specific projects.

For Surveys and studies involving examination of patient

  • Patient/Subject informed consent form (English and Arabic) [only for surveys and studies involving examination of patients]
  • Copy of the questionnaire/data collection sheet

For All Studies

  • Complete scientific proposal with references signed by the supervisor
  • Timeline for the intended study and back-up plan in case of failure to meet timeline

In addition to the above documents certain documents need to be provided in the case of specific projects

For Surveys and studies involving examination of patient

  • Patient/Subject informed consent form (English and Arabic) [only for surveys and studies involving examination of patients]
  • Copy of the questionnaire/data collection sheet