Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Quality Control and Quality Assurance - Riyadh Elm University

Upcoming Events

  • 01 Aug
    Last Day of Withdrawal from the Summer Course
    1 Aug 2024
  • 06 Aug
    Start of the Final Exam
    6 Aug 2024
  • 08 Aug
    Last day of the Final Exam
    8 Aug 2024
  • 18 Aug
    Start of the New Academic Year 2024‐2025
    18 Aug 2024

The Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Quality Control and Quality Assurance, through Riyadh Elm University, was designed and constructed to strengthen pharmacists with the most recent techniques and procedures of product analysis. In addition to the knowledge of the various factors and parameters encountered in the stability of all pharmaceutical products intended for medical, dietary or cosmetic purposes.

Drug Quality Control Authorities and Pharmaceutical Industries are facing waves of new drug products and omission of others. Therefore, new strategies and advanced technologies are eminent to establish updated procedures to assure the safety and efficacy of such products.

Students will be enrolled for two years during which they will be able to develop critical-thinking and research skills while learning industry standards in quality assurance and typically complete a thesis or graduate project. The program opens many opportunities for the enrolled students as they may work as,

  • Researchers
  • Product Developers
  • Quality Control Auditors
  • Regulatory Affairs Specialists
  • Quality Assurance Managers

Effective education and training in pharmaceutical analysis, quality assurance and regulatory affairs with active contribution towards scientific pharmaceutical research in the service of society and economy.

  • Graduate qualified pharmacists to deal with pharmaceutical and cosmetic products quality control in order to meet the needs of governmental and private drug sectors as well as pharmaceutical industries.
  • Conduct scientific pharmaceutical research.
  • Provide competitive postgraduate programs in pharmaceutical disciplines.
  • Encourage lifelong learning through accredited continuous education programs.
  • Engage in community service.
  • Promote health awareness among the public.
Contact Us:

011-210-0000 Ext. 1300, 1301